The amount of work required to regain control of the land around the fountain without using chemicals means we have to set a limit. Over the winter I established a border to the south around 8 metres from the fountain, which is as far as we can reasonably manage. The aim is to remove nettles as far as this limit, defining a total area about 25 metres in circumference from the low wall border in the north to this stick border in the south.
April 2019 |
We have already established woodchip paths 2 metres wide around the fountain and radiating in several directions, including the length of the west edge, continuing on towards the lake. with two wider areas for seating. Over the early summer we tried adding some strips of seeded grass, and larger beds with a mulch of wood bark.
The herb garden begins. |
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Planting will depend on what muntjack will not devour - foxgloves, forget-me-not, buddleia, salvia etc. They are supposed not to like aromatic plants so we have tried to set up a herb garden on the sunnier North side. Rocket, lovage, thyme, rosemary etc are all growing on well, with lavender under attack. The rocket in particular is too peppery for them, and is growing well.
July 2019 |
The fountain, despite a growth of pond weeds, attracts a wide variety of pond life, including frogs, toads and newts, as well as dragonflies, damsel flies, butterflies, and other insect life, while the area around has a good population of grass snake and slow worm. Looking ahead we will try to attract more insect life with suitable plants, as well as setting up possible bird boxes and bat boxes. By next year the last of the unsightly black plastic sheeting should finally disappear and the first stage of this project will be completed.
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